Globe at One

Java And Bali

Java And Bali

Java And Bali

East of Java and onto Bali for complete relaxation

Java is the 800 pound cultural and economic gorilla in the Indonesian archipelago, and surprisingly for an island with a population of 130 million people, it’s a place where people are still some of the friendliest and relaxed in South East Asia. Islam here as with Catholism in Brazil sits lightly with the population and doesn’t affect people’s hospitality to visitors

Yogyakarta is the cultural centre of Java, where the sultan’s palace forms the central backdrop to a place where the old imperial grandeur sparkles through. Jogja as it’s pronounced is also a intellectual, cinematic [bahasa movies] and musical centre too. Mount Bromo offers the chance to get up close and personal to an active volcano and the Island of Bali despite it’s recent popularity really is still worth visiting especially the up country districts which this tour emphasises

Crossing from Islam to Hinduism creates quite a cultural smorgasbord for an open mind. Always though you’ll smell durian fruit, hear dangdut/qasidah music and see roadside shrines with colourfully dressed people

Heathrow Airport (Google Map)

Please arrive at least 2 hours before the flight.

  • Airfare
  • Transfers
  • Accommodation
  • Professional guides

  • Travel Insurance


What to Expect


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Felis venenatis metus placerat taciti malesuada ultricies bibendum nunc hymenaeos orci erat mollis pretium ligula ligulamus pellentesque urna. Sagittis bibendum justo congue facilisi. Aliquam potenti sagittis etiam facilisis vehicula. Id.


  • Ipsum Amet Mattis Pellentesque
  • Ultricies Vehicula Mollis Vestibulum Fringilla
  • Condimentum Sollicitudin Fusce Vestibulum Ultricies
  • Sollicitudin Consectetur Quam Ligula Vehicula
  • Cursus Pharetra Purus Porta Parturient
  • Risus Malesuada Tellus Porta Commodo