Globe at One

Saigon Or Ho Chi Minh City, Same Warm Charm

Saigon Or Ho Chi Minh City, Same Warm Charm

Saigon Or Ho Chi Minh City, Same Warm Charm

Southern Vietnam is where the mighty Mekong invades the South China Sea and around this water sculpted land are always gems of man and nature

Vietnam is the opportunity theatre of East Asia and Ho Chi Minh City wants to usurp Shanghai, but with a tropical climate, durian fruit on the streets and some of the best restaurants in Asia it is a little different

Mind out for the army of motorbikes and you’ll be fine. The fertile Mekong delta tells us of another rural and culturally rich country

he strong sun and a river always ready to enrich the surrounding landscape provides for a lushness that should be sampled from all angles

Heathrow Airport (Google Map)

Please arrive at least 2 hours before the flight.

  • Airfare
  • Transfers
  • Accommodation
  • Professional guides

  • Travel Insurance


What to Expect


Mattis interdum nunc massa. Velit. Nonummy penatibus luctus. Aliquam. Massa aptent senectus elementum taciti.Id sodales morbi felis eu mus auctor ullamcorper. Litora. In nostra tempus, habitant. Nam tristique.


Felis venenatis metus placerat taciti malesuada ultricies bibendum nunc hymenaeos orci erat mollis pretium ligula ligulamus pellentesque urna. Sagittis bibendum justo congue facilisi. Aliquam potenti sagittis etiam facilisis vehicula. Id.


  • Ipsum Amet Mattis Pellentesque
  • Ultricies Vehicula Mollis Vestibulum Fringilla
  • Condimentum Sollicitudin Fusce Vestibulum Ultricies
  • Sollicitudin Consectetur Quam Ligula Vehicula
  • Cursus Pharetra Purus Porta Parturient
  • Risus Malesuada Tellus Porta Commodo