Globe at One

Tagalog Heaven

Tagalog Heaven

Tagalog Heaven

Luzon has Manila, Baguio, Vigan and more for those heading north after they arrive

Luzon is of course where Manila sits, but the rest of Luzon island spreads out like a great head above the city for hundreds of miles and is a great journey route in itself. Baguio is at the heart of highland Philippines, a place where the temperature drops below 25 degrees centigrade and where people start to look strangely “un-filipino”

The rice terraces of Banaue are an architectural achievement started 2000 years ago by the Ifuagao people, it is indeed on the UN’s World Heritage list and the kind of place that must be seen. The forests around Banaue contain rare flora cuttings of which can sustainability be sold to tourists

Further north is a place which apart from the old Spanish fort in Manila is where colonial architecture survived the ravages of World War II and that’s Vigan in the north west of Luzon, a well preserved Spanish colonial town just waiting for your camera

Heathrow Airport (Google Map)

Please arrive at least 2 hours before the flight.

  • Airfare
  • Transfers
  • Accommodation
  • Professional guides

  • Travel Insurance


What to Expect


Mattis interdum nunc massa. Velit. Nonummy penatibus luctus. Aliquam. Massa aptent senectus elementum taciti.Id sodales morbi felis eu mus auctor ullamcorper. Litora. In nostra tempus, habitant. Nam tristique.


Felis venenatis metus placerat taciti malesuada ultricies bibendum nunc hymenaeos orci erat mollis pretium ligula ligulamus pellentesque urna. Sagittis bibendum justo congue facilisi. Aliquam potenti sagittis etiam facilisis vehicula. Id.


  • Ipsum Amet Mattis Pellentesque
  • Ultricies Vehicula Mollis Vestibulum Fringilla
  • Condimentum Sollicitudin Fusce Vestibulum Ultricies
  • Sollicitudin Consectetur Quam Ligula Vehicula
  • Cursus Pharetra Purus Porta Parturient
  • Risus Malesuada Tellus Porta Commodo